Ahead of the upcoming Lok Sabha and Assembly elections, PCC President Sharat Patnaik held a press conference after the talk of BJP’s alliance with BJD in the state. Mr. Patnaik said, Sharat Patnaik said that BJD is negotiating with BJP for its own interests and not for the interests of the state. The people of Odisha are already aware of this conspiracy in fear of the Directorate of Enforcement (ED) and the Central Bureau of Investigation (CBI). Therefore, even if it is mentioned, it will not make any difference in the upcoming elections.
PCC president Mr. Patnaik told the media that during the 25 years of rule, BJD is immersed in corruption. He has not done anything for the benefit of the people. Starting from the chit fund corruption, it has been corrupt in mining and water. So the fear of ED and CBI has spread to BJD. That is why BJD has committed itself to BJP. Just like a convict surrenders, BJD has surrendered to Modi today. Politics is going on here for its own interests.
In the coming days, with the blessings of the people, the 9th to 90th mission of the Congress will be successful. Congress will form the government in Odisha. On the other hand, many BJP and BJD leaders are in relationship with the Congress, he said.
ଇଡି, ସିବିଆଇ ଭୟରେ ବିଜେପି ପାଖରେ ବିଜେଡି ନିଜକୁ ସମର୍ପିତ କରିଛି: ଶରତ ପଟ୍ଟନାୟକ