The Central Government has announced Bharat Ratna to former Prime Ministers PV Narasimha Rao and Chaudhuri Charan Singh and scientist MS Swaminathan. Prime Minister Narendra Modi himself has given this information by posting on “X”.
Remembering Chowdhury Charan Singh, Prime Minister Modi posted on his X account, ‘It is the fortune of our government that the former Prime Minister of the country Chaudhry Charan Singh has been honored with Bharat Ratna. This honor is dedicated to his outstanding contribution to the nation. He devoted his entire life for the rights and welfare of farmers.
Similarly, while announcing the Bharat Ratna award to Congress leader and former Prime Minister Narasimha Rao, Prime Minister Modi said, ‘Our former Prime Minister Shri PV Narasimha Rao Garu will be honored with Bharat Ratna. As a distinguished scholar and politician, Narasimha Rao Garu served India in various capacities. He is equally remembered for serving as Chief Minister of Andhra Pradesh, Union Minister and Member of Parliament and Legislative Assembly for many years. His visionary leadership was instrumental in India’s economic progress and the country’s prosperity and development.
Remembering eminent scientist Dr. MS Swaminathan, Prime Minister Modi wrote, ‘The Government of India has honored Dr. MS Swaminathan with Bharat Ratna for his significant contribution to the welfare of agriculture and farmers in our country. He played an important role in helping India become self-reliant in agriculture during the challenging times and made excellent efforts towards modernization of Indian agriculture. We all know his invaluable work as an innovator and mentor and in stimulating learning and research among a large number of students.