India will not accept Elon Musk’s conditions. India will not change its policy as American electric car maker Tesla wants. The country’s laws and tariff rules will be developed to accommodate all electric vehicle manufacturers. Commerce and Industry Minister Piyush Goyal said this. Tesla wants initial tariff concession before coming to India. The company wants to waive the 70 percent border duty on cars priced below USD 40,000 and 100 percent duty on cars priced above.
Goyal said the government understands the need for a robust EV ecosystem as the increased use of battery-powered vehicles will reduce carbon emissions and lower crude oil import bills. Therefore, the government will not prepare a policy that is beneficial to any one company, but such a policy will be prepared, which will encourage all the electric vehicle manufacturers of the world to come to India, he said. He said that several steps are being taken in this direction and inter-ministerial consultations and discussions are being held with stakeholders.