The status of the temple’s Ratna Vandar and its repair were discussed. After the meeting, Justice Arijit Pashayat said, various issues were discussed in the meeting. The year 1978 census list is discussed. When is the right time to enter the Ratna Vandar? There will be adequate time for calculation during the ride. In 1978 it took 4 months for the calculation. After 1985, no further census was taken. If necessary, technology will be used for calculations. It has been discussed that steps will be taken to install cameras and count jewellery.
It is worth noting that Justice Arijit Pashayat is on a 4-day visit to Odisha. These days he went to the temple with his wife and had darshan of the Lord. The discussion about the condition of the Ratna Vandar and its repair was held in the meeting of the monitoring committee of the Ratna Vandar. Ratna Vandar Supervisory Committee Chairman and former Supreme Court Judge Justice Arijit Pashayat presided over the meeting.
On the next 11th, the meeting regarding black money will be reviewed. In the context of 2024 general elections, this meeting is given more importance. In this meeting, the Indian Election Commission will discuss what measures will be taken to prevent black money in the 24th election.
ରତ୍ନଭଣ୍ଡାର ଗଣତି ପାଇଁ ଆବଶ୍ୟକ ପଡ଼ିଲେ ଟେକ୍ନୋଲୋଜିର ସହାୟତା ନିଆଯିବ: ଜଷ୍ଟିସ ଅରିଜିତ ପଶାୟତ